Welcome to the Berry Islands
The Berry Islands fishery will quickly grab and tightly hold your attention. From expanses of tailing bonefish on firm, wadable white sand flats, to lush turtle grass, ocean edges, thick mangroves, and backcountry creeks, the fishing around Great Harbour Cay is dynamic. Group are more common than singles & doubles. Bonefish here range from 2 to 10+ pounds with average fish around 3 to 4 pounds.
Permit fishing in the Berry Islands is a special, long kept secret. A challenging but rewarding pursuit that is bound to test both your mental and physical spirit. Our guides team has been chasing devils for many years and are well prepared to put you in the best position to intersect with arguably the toughest fish to fool with a fly. A custom permit medallion and wooden sculpture await any successful permit angler back at the lodge.
Mutton Snapper.
In the warmer months, and even sometimes in the dead of winter, Mutton Snapper can be found patrolling the flats. Muttons are tough , dive for coral and fight like a bulldog. You won’t regret connecting with this beautiful flats target as they are arguably just as discerning as the permit. Catch the right mutton and chef’ll throw it on the grill back at the lodge.
While poling flats, edges, and shorelines it’s likely you’ll see a highly underrated target; the barracuda. These fish are lightning fast and pull like hell. When they want to eat, they’ll be on your fly in a flash. Get ready for a firm strip set as these toothy predators have super boney mouths and will be ready to fight with all their might.
We’re lucky to have triggerfish right in our backyard in the Berry Islands. These fish are very aware, inquisitive and selective. Watching this quarry tail on your fly is a sight to be seen. Get ready for a long strip set and a wily, hard fight as the trigger loves to dive for cover.
Other Species.
Although it is illegal to fish for sharks in the Bahamas, they are an incredible sight on the flats. Lemons, blacktips, tigers, hammerheads, and several other shark species roam these shallow waters. We’ve run into some strange critters on the flats and hope the same for you.

What to Expect
Setting expectations appropriately is a key element to looking back at your experience with a grin that stretches from ear to ear. We’re all about transparency and we strive to attract anglers that are the right fit for Soul Fly Lodge. The Bahamas is a dynamic location with ever-changing conditions - tides, weather, wind, moons etc all play a factor. The Bottom Line: Get here when you can and we’ll guide you to an experience we hope you’ll never forget.